Friday, September 18, 2009

Shakespears language

Thy shoughs were at the park one day, and as I was watching this shough a sightless man walked by. Out of security a frisby hit him in the head and the man seemed skimle-skambled. He jumped up and started running skirr. Since blind was he the man's slops fell off and he stumbled with a hurtleing fall.

Thou art as fat as butter.

I think this means that because butter is made up of all fat, that you must be the size of a house to get called this. =)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Quotes to think about.

The quote "we never know the worth of the water until the well is dry" can be applied to a lot of other things like, us kids never really think about everything we have. Say if we had a ten dollar bill we think oh you know no big deal but if you were to lose it we would be freaking out. or like a loved one, we always argue with parents, and back talk and say hurtful things to them, but if we were to lose them we would regret it, we need to take advantage of what we have and notice we have it because it wont always be here, like the well, it will dry up sooner or later and leave us with nothing.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I really don't remember much of nine/11, but just knowing so much about it now and knowing how terrible it was seems like I would remember exacter where I was and what I was doing, I believe I was in Mrs Jones class I'm not sure what we were doing but that day when I came home it was all over the news. I remember hearing planes crash into twin towers there going down.
I think this event was tragic, this remembrence will go on probably until a new worse tragedy happens, but I think it will be more than 20 years to let this out of our hearts and minds.
They chose us instead of another country because America is strong and free. They were trying to weaken us, but we bounced back. You can't just bombard our twin towers and expect us to fall and give up. We have freedom and they don't, they wanted to hurt us and I guess they just have so much against us, that they chose us to hit. I don't know anyone specifically effected by this, all I know is that it really hurt Americas emotions.
If I were to write a story about this I would be in a passengers point of view, the story would be about what they had to face, and what they were forced to do. What thoughts probably went through their heads. Like what where they thinking, questions like am I going to live, or am I ever going to get to see my family again? I don't know if I could even go through with writing it, I know I would shed a lot of tears. This was a terrible tragedy and I hope nothing like this happens again.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Friendship Bellringer

well I think both are important to me. Like friendship is important because you always need somebody there for you, but if something with your friendship isn't the same as my personal morals then I would have to choose personal over that. But I don't think I would give up friendship. Friendship is really important in my life, I want friends that I can grow up with and be there when they need me and the other way around. =)